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Learn key pricinples for effective family councils in your home.
Examine different types of councils and how to apply them in your family.
Review tried-and-true tips on ways to make your family council more successful.
Investigate additional resources to further your efforts in leading effective family councils.
Principles of Family Councils
Family Councils: A Heavenly Pattern
What should be on the agenda for a family council is determined by the needs of each family. Appropirate subjects for family council might be as simple as managing the household, correlating schedules and fostering better relationships. In addition to these subjects, the family council may be used to explore weightier matters and solve challenging problems and issues, such as keeping family members safe from dangerous outside influences, overcoming deeper spiritual impediments, or helping a family member struggling spiritually. The following is an example of different levels of issues that may be addressed by the family council.
Managing the Household
Dividing home organization responsibilities
Television watching times and programs
Where to go on vacation
How to save money to purchase a needed or desired item
What the family can do to have a more orderly home
Establish family rules regarding homework, play, and social activities
Improving Family Relationships
Proper ways to treat one another
Mutual recognition of mistakes
Ways to serve family members
Helping each member to feel loved and protected.
Promoting Spiritual Growth
Internet use policies
Strategy for what to do when a family member is exposed to dangerous material
Family agreement on how to keep the Sabbath day holy
Plan home centred gospel study - Come Follow Me
How to manage spiritual threats at school and at work
Divine Consensus: Making Decisions Together
In family councils, we must reach our important decisions "by divine consensus, not by compromise." "It may take several councils and sincere prayer - both individually and with your spouse - to agree upon a decision. But, "if you confer in council as you are expected to do, God will give you solutions to the problems that confront you."

A family council is not the place to solve every family problem. There may be matters that parents, as leaders of the family, should decide without family discussion. A family council should never result in a desicion not to keep commandments nor to not follow the prophet. Rather, it is a place where families discuss how to keep convenants and follow Heavenly Father and the Savior more fully in actions and with a whole heart.
Problem Solving: A purpose of Family Councils
The family council is place to solve problems, overcome challenges, unify efforts and make decisions. Family councils can help families work, play, and grow together. They help family members become more sensitive to the needs of others, to set goals, and to evaluate spiritual progress. But, perhaps the largest potential found in counseling as a family is the collective ability to seek for and receive inspiration and revelation on how to approach and solve complex problems.
Knitting Hearts: Creating Solutions
Children can be more committed to family plans and goals because they have helped formulate them. In this way, all family members can grow in spirituality, unity, and love for one another. These concils can help parents build strong personal relationships with thier children. Simply put, famlies that struggle, labor, and solve problems together have a tendecy to form greater life-long bonds with one another. This blessing is likely related to the fullfillment of our pre-earth promises to our brothers and sisters that we will help rescue one another. This is true not only of our immediate families, but also of the larger family in which we are apart, including of all our Heaenly Father's children. Our hearts are knitted together as we council with one another. labor together, and solve problems as a family.
One-on-One Council
Sometimes, a parent will concil with a single child. The purpose is to show deepned individual interest in thier life, discuss challenges that are specific to that child's circumstances. It is also a proper time to survey how he or she is doing in certain areas of spiritual development.


Limited Family Council
In a limited family council, certain members of the family my be brought into council with parents to help manage or discuss speical circumstances that may be personal to an individual or individuals. Different than the One-on-One, having both parents present increases the potential counsel that can be provided as it incorporate the diverse thoughts of both parents.

Full Family Council

When the whole family is included, it is termed a full family council. Decisions requiring unanimity are determined with input from every individual in the family. Patience, persuasion, and mutual respect for one another's views is essential in the full family council.

Executive Council
This consists of the parents or leaders of the council. In some cases, decision are made on this level. Parents may operate in an executive council and make deicsion for the whole family more often the family is comprised of very young children. Eventually, as children become mentally mature enough to understand the complexity of the situation, they can participate more in family council. It must be remembered that children do not have understand everthing about an issue. Children have an intuitive ability to provide profound council at an ealry age. Heavenly Father often reveals important truths through children.

Potential Topics for Different Councils
Full Family Council Topics
Does anyone have a problem they would like help solving?
What do we have planned for this week?
What's a nice thing a family member has done for you?
How can we pray for you in the coming week?

Limited Family Council Topics
What has made you happy or unhappy this week?
Have you been struggling with anything?
What was the nicest thing you did for someone else?
How can we help you feel loved/important?

Executive Council Topics
Do you need more closeness or more alone time?
How can I help you feel more loved this week?
How can we help a paticular child of ours?
What are the main stressors in your life right now?

One-on-One Topics
How would you rate your day on a scale of 1 to 10?
What made you laugh today?
Did anyone push your buttons today?
When did you feel proudest of yourself this week?
Ask the right questions
As much as possible, open-ended questions that encourage more discussion. Open-ended questions encourage a deeper expression of feelings and thoughts.
Avoid holding Family Council only in response to negative circumstances.
"Family meetings can be disaterous if they are held only when cookies are missing from the cookie jar. Instead, they can be positive by planning for good times, and celebrating family achieivements."
Hold Family Council Regularly
Family councils are more succesful when they are held regularly, follow an agenda and have assignments and outcomes recorded.
Share Responsibility
The responsiblity for conducting the meeting should be shared or rotated. This helps each family member feel important while learning the divine pattern of family councils. The central idea of any council is to help each member feel their input is given equal consideration.
Make it Short, End on a High Note
Especially when children are involved, short meetings are helpful and are usually part of a positive experience. Some families end with a treat, others with a hug, yet others with a game or activity. Having a good ending helps family members look foward to the next meeting.
Follow up Individually During the Week
Parents espeically can initiate brief discussions during the week with family members. For instance, expressing that you have been thinking about thier comments made during family council is a good way to help others feel important.
Continue Improving the Meeting
Take a few moments during a family council, from time to time, to watch a video or read a talk related to instruction from our chruch leaders regarding effecrtive family councils and their divine purpose. This helps to assure family members that they are on the right path.
Avoid Over-expectation
Not every family council meeting with go as planned or visioned. Parents should foster a consitent enviornemt of love and acceptance, even when certain familiy members may be disengaged or experiencing an unparticipating mood. We all have ups and downs. Parents should recongize that family council may be different than they expected on that particular day. But, perserverance during such times will help family members adapt to family councils.
Be Flexible with the Agenda
Some of the most amazing moments or discussions occur spontaeoulsy and are directed by the spirit through members of the family council. A child may bring up a subject that was not planned but that leads to wonderful spiritual growth and experiences. Planning is good, but being mindful of the directing influcence of the spirit and the potential changes to the meeting that can bring about evolution in a family or family members.
Establish Rules
This is best done as a council rather than parents dictating rules to thier children. If suggested by the parents, make it a suggested rule rather than a decree. For instance, asking, "What would you all think of having a rule, no electronic devices during family council?" In most cases this is a more appropriate appraoch. When family members help create rules, they are more likely to abide by them and encourage others to do the same.
Make the Meeting Positive for Everyone
Parents should do thier best to make family council a positive experience for everyone. Input should be welcomed and validated, regarless of the thoughts and lack of acceptance among other family members. Parents should seek help individual family members feel good about the meeting.
Persevere During Difficult Times
Even when the meeting does not seem to be going well, due to varying moods and other influcence, press foward in the meeting and overcome resistance in a patient, loving way. Adjust the meeting's agenda as needed, but help family members see the complete family council pattern every time.
Be light-hearted at Times
One of the most powerful skills that can be developed is the ability to examine one's own mistakes and foibles life and view themselves with light-heartedness and laughter. Family council is a time to develop such skills. Asking members what mistakes they made this last week that made them feel embarrased may be a good way to teach the princple that perfection is not requried to be loved and accepted by the family.
Focus on Individual Needs
Ministering is accomplished when we meet an individual's needs. Family Council is a good time to let family members enunciate those spiritual and temporal needs and plan as a family to meet those needs.
Let Children Make Decisions
Children are more engaged when they are asked to share thier ideas. They can help make decisions. Parents may need to make some important decisions that affect the whole family, but when possible, allow decisions to be made by children, even when parents do not perfectly agree with thier thoughts. Regardless of the ouctome of the decision, show unity in family decisions.