Special Lesson
Preparing for the Melchizedek Priesthood

Provided by Caid Wride

At the right age and the right time, young adult men may endeavor to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. The following guided lesson plan provides a way to learn the ways and responsibilities of the Priesthood holder as well as the wonderful promises found in the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood as recorded in the 84th section of the Doctrine and Covenants.

Watch the following segment by Elder Perry. As you watch, listen for answers to these key questions:

Who makes the oath?
Who enters into the covenant?

What are some ways that Melchizedek Priesthood holders commit to bless the lives of those around them?

In this next segment, Elder Perry explains that the Priesthood is comprised of three roles. Listen for the roles.

What are three roles that comprise the Priesthood?

Three Roles of a Priesthood Quorum

Three Roles of a Priesthood Quorum
Hover to Reveal


Fraternity (Brotherhood)

Service Organization

Turn to the Scriptures

What are the requirements of the Covenant?

There are 4 parts to the covenant as found in the 84th section of the Doctrine and Covenants. They include:

  • Obtain both priesthoods - verse 33
  • Magnify your callings - verse 33
  • Give diligent heed to the words of eternal life - verse 43
  • Live by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God - verse 44

What is the Oath or Promise?

That we may inherit all that our Father has, including the ability to grow and progress eternally - verse 38 - 39

Using the Priesthood in our Homes

In this next segment, Elder Perry discusses ways we use the Priesthood in our homes as husbands and fathers.

Share personal experiences or ways you've seen the Priesthood used to build and strengthen relationships with a wife and children.

As a father, I feel I have an important responsibility and desire to help my family progress spiritually. President Howard W. Hunter stated, “Next to your own salvation, brethren, there is nothing so important to you as the salvation of your wife and children.” Being a priesthood holder and exercising the priesthood is vital for the progression and salvation of our families. I’ve seen the priesthood strengthen the relationships I have with my family by performing saving ordinances and giving blessings to members of my family. I, like many other fathers, give blessings to my children before they begin a new school year. At that time, I also take the opportunity to give a blessing to my wife. These experiences have helped my family better understand the love I have, and our Heavenly Father has, for each of them. As they understand this unconditional love, our relationships grow and spiritual progression occurs. These father’s blessings are always greatly anticipated at the beginning of each year. - Greg Anderson

Why was the Priesthood taken from the Earth sometime after Christ’s ascension to heaven?

What events led to the restoration of the Priesthood in these latter days?

Share your thoughts and feelings surrounding the restoration of the Priesthood and what it means to you in your life today.

Keys of the Priesthood

In this segment, Elder Perry discusses the keys of the Priesthood.

What are Priesthood keys and what do they mean?

Discuss some of the Priesthood positions that hold Priesthood keys.

Elder Eyring's thoughts on the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood

Faith and the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood
President Henry B. Eyring

Additional Helpful Resources

The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood
Carlos E. Asay - General Conference

Melchizedek Priesthood - The Guide to the Scriptures

What is an Elder - The Guide to the Scriptures