uconstakeUcon Idaho Stake
Stake Conference
October 19th, 2024 - 4 - 6:00 PM

Stake and Ward Council Members and all adult presidencies, including secretaries.

Coming Soon
Saturday, October 19th - 7 - 9:00 PM

All adult members are invited. We ask members to help parents of young families attend.

Coming Soon
Sunday, October 20th - 10 AM - 12 PM

All members are invited.

Coming Soon
Light the World
Discover what you can do in the Ucon Stake
Brothers and Sisters of the Ucon Stake,

We are excited to announce the Ucon Idaho Stake Conference scheduled for May 4th and May 5th of 2024. Our conference will be presided over by a visiting authority. Conferences serve a wonderful purpose in our lives. They guide us through a chaotic world and increase our ability and commitment to press forward in our efforts to emulate the Savior. Recall the special conference that occurred among the people of King Benjamin. They set their tents (and their ears) toward the voice of King Benjamin. They were prepared to receive instruction. Because they were ready, the spirit filled the souls of those present and they experienced a mighty change of heart.

“And they all cried with one voice saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.”
Mosiah 5:2

That mighty change in our hearts can come when we prepare to receive divinely inspired instruction. With that hope in mind, we invite all to spiritually prepare for Stake Conference.

We invite you and your family to think about and discuss the importance of listening to the spirit during Stake conference. We are confident that with a little advanced preparation, the Spirit will direct you to focus on needful things in your life as well as provide guidance to help you progress and bring spiritual safety to yourself and your family. As you receive and act upon that personal guidance, you will increase your discipleship of Christ, fortify yourself against the wiles of the adversary, and experience a “mighty change" in your heart.

Specifically, we invite you to:

We love you. We are excited to progress with you.


President Ward
President Stanley
President South
Mission Prep Course
Mission Prep CourseMissionary Preparation

The Ucon Stake is conducting a 5-week Missionary Prep Course starting October 18th, 2020, being held every Sunday at 6 PM in the Ucon Building. The course is for high school seniors or older who are planning on a mission and want to start learning how to engage in live teaching of missionary lessons. Course lessons will include live demonstrations from seasoned returned missionaries, instruction on effective teaching, and an opportunity to practice teaching. Bring your paper scriptures, your mobile device and let's get to work!
An Invitation to Prepare
This last Fall, we invited all members of the Ucon Stake to Prepare for that day when we have the opportunity to face the Savior and our Heavenly Father. Although the life granted to us includes many decades of experience, trials, failures and successes, it remains easy to forget how quickly the precious moments pass, forgetting at times our purpose, which is to prepare to return to Heavenly Father.

Said Alma,
"And we see that death comes upon all mankind, yea, the death which has been spoken of by Amulek, which is a temporal death; nevertheless there was a space granted unto man in which he might repent; therefore this life became a probationary state; a time to prepare to meet God..." Alma 12:24.

In that spirit, we are all lovingly invited to more deliberately and truthfully examine the state of our own souls. We invite all to prepare by increasing individual worship, engaging in the rescue of His children, immersing ourselves in the scriptures, and more fully taking advantage of the gift of repentance.

We lovingly invite all members and families to prepare.

The Ucon Stake Presidency

invitation to prepare

The full-time missionaries can visit you and/or your family in your home. Although they do not provide instruction on how to tab and mark a book, they can coach you on ways that the Book of Mormon can be shared more naturally with your non-member friends through the key life-questions on the tabs. They will attest that the key to success is to give what is called an 'Open Book of Mormon', meaning a book that is opened to a specific scripture related to a life-question tab relevant to that person. These soul-searching questions come from Preach My Gospel and stir deeply in most people. Request a visit, specify availability, and someone will contact you soon for an appointment.
Share Your Experience

If you have had an experience sharing a marked, tabbed Book of Mormon, we would love to hear about it. No matter how simple, please consider sharing your experience, thoughts, and advice with the Stake Missionary Committee and the Stake Presidency. Although we might want to share some of your thoughts with others, we will, of course, respect your privacy.
Do you need Book of Mormon Tabs?

This request will send an email to Brother Wride, our High Councilor overseeing this project. You will need to specify contact information, your home ward, and how many tab sets you desire. Because of the difficulty in obtaining tabbing material, we ask that families limit their requests to 2-3 tab sets. Once you have shared a book or two and need additional sets, please return and request more.
Book of Mormon Tabs

Who can teach me how to make a tabbed Book of Mormon?
You or your family can receive instruction on marking and tabbing a Book of Mormon from our local missionaries, Brother and Sister Christensen. We anticipate your Bishop will provide other ways you can learn the method of creating one of these books. You can also involve the full-time missionaries to coach you or your family on ways you can naturally share them with your non-member friends and family members.

How do I obtain printed tabs?
Tab sets are available by way of a sign-up sheet near your Bishop's Door or on this page through the purple tab-request button below. Your Bishop will facilitate conveying the tabs from the Stake to you. See your ward clerk for more details. Each set of pre-printed tabs costs about $1.50 to produce. If members are able, a contribution using a donation slip can be made by contributing to the OTHER category and writing in TABBING PROJECT.

Where do I obtain copies of the Book of Mormon?
If your ward has none to provide, members can purchase copies of the Book of Mormon at Deseret Book. Soft-back books can be purchased for $3.00 while hard-back versions are available for $3.50.
Preparing a Tabbed and Marked copy of
The Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon, combined with the spirit, is our most powerful resource in conversion. It provides powerful evidence for the divinity of Christ. It is also proof of the Restoration through the Prophet Joseph Smith. An essential part of conversion is receiving a witness from the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true.
Preach My Gospel Ch 5. Pg 103
When the Lord showed Nephi a vision of the rod of Iron, Nephi noted,

"And I saw numberless concourses of people, many of whom were pressing forward, that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree by which I stood."

Regardless of race, creed, or culture, Heavenly Father's children are seeking for that tree whose fruit is "desirable above all other fruit." Yet many are not sure exactly for what it is that they seek. Although the source of true joy can be difficult to find for many, each of us can agree that all of us have basic life questions such as, "Is there a God?", "Does He really answer my prayers?", and "Why does God allow suffering?". The answer to these questions can be found inside the pages of the Book of Mormon.

The purpose of tabbing and marking the Book of Mormon is so that those pressing forward, seeking for joy, happiness, and the answers to their questions can find them. We have found it nearly impossible for someone, member or not, to hold this book in their hands without feeling drawn to those questions and the potential answers inside. These answers lead others to Christ. Thus, a tabbed and marked copy of the Book of Mormon is intended primarily to draw people to the book's internal messages and ultimately to the Savior, Jesus Christ.

We hope members of the Ucon Stake will recognize that marking a Book of Mormon will help them to more fully understand and enunciate these answers to others as well as to draw our own hearts to this sacred record and to the Savior. But equally important, we hope all will recognize that these marked Books of Mormon are too precious and powerful to keep for ourselves. We hope our members will get these into the hands of others.

Brothers and Sisters, we believe it really is time to gather the House of Israel and we know that the Book of Mormon is the most powerful way to engage in that work.


Create Your Own Tabs

We receive many requests from members outside the Ucon Stake, requesting to purchase Book of Mormon Tabs. Unfortuantely, we are unable to create enough to supply others. However, we are happy to provide information and resources that you can use to obain the proper material and create your own tabs. The questions on the tabs come from Preach My Gospel, to which we choose to closely adhere. However, you may feel to create tabs with different questions.

For members interested in customizing tabs, we are more than happy to share our word templates which can be edited.

Personal Finances Manual
Personal Finances
A Course offered in Ucon Idaho

The most popular of all the Self Reliance courses offered in Ucon is the Personal Finance Course. This group study class is open to all members of the Ucon commmunity. Attendees of this 12-week course work as a group to learn and put into practice sound financial principles of budgeting, saving, and planning for the future. Each concept is examined from the point of view of simple, proven, financial managment principals and strategies while incorporting basic values of Christianity.

In this area, Brother and sister Dabell oversee the effort. Here are a few basic facts:
  • You do not have to be invited - simple contact the Dabells and sign up
  • Each course is 12 weeks. Plan accordiningly
  • Class size is limited to 12
  • The format is a discussion lead by a facilitator. All are leaning together.
  • You will be completing assignments related to your own budget and financial planning.
  • You will learn by applying the principles.
  • You may be sharing (teaching) others in the group what you have learned

Finding a better JobThis class focuses on the skills and knowledge needed to seek the employment that best suits you. Interviewing, resume building, networking and other key concepts are explored as a group while making peronal, actionable goals each week in a personal workbook.
Starting and Growing BusinessOften self-reliance means to manage your own business. This course helps individuals examine the details and make plans need to progress toward starting and growing a business.
Educaton for a better jobEducation is often the key to breaking through to that career that takes advantage of your talents, gifts, and interests. This coures helps define pathways for an education that may be more approachable than you may have realized.